Monday, November 10, 2008

All is Well

I've been trying to upload photos from my flash drive, hmmmm??????

Oh, I'm also knitting a sweater, really cool, bright, crazy colors, I think I'll call it Fiesta Sweater, but I messed up on the neckline. Now what?

This blog technology is pretty cool, but I have no important info to share. My brother is visiting from South Korea and we're having a good time. He enjoys staying up late talking to Dad. Mom and I tend to go to bed early.

Hey, I have a question---how do guys remember the most obscure sports stats from two gazillion years ago? I'm talking, "Do you remember that play when whosit fumbled and then ....
I guess I'm being sexist. I'm sure there are women who can do the same. But why can a guy remember the sports stuff but not his wedding anniversary!!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

71/2 Habits

Formulating effective plans to accomplish specific tasks is somewhat difficult for me. Sometimes I can't see outcomes because I don't have information about what has worked for others, and what might work for me based upon my strengths and weaknesses. Plan, plan, plan. Got to get better at planning and implementation.

Monday, November 3, 2008


did anyone else hear that multitasking doesn't work? I forget who I was talking to but there is a study that shows it is better to prioritize tasks than try to multitask, which leads to neglect of certain things. So, today I will prioritize and complete tasks I've left half done.